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  • W.B.C.S Main 2006 Optional Question Paper Botany.
    Posted on January 10th, 2019 in Botany

    W.B.C.S Main 2006 Optional Question Paper Botany.

    W.B.C.S Main 2006 Optional Question Paper Botany – PAPER 1

    Group – A

    Answer any three questions


    1.  Answer any five questions.    4 x 5 = 20

    (a) What is apoplast and symplast ?

    (b) Comment on the dark period in plants,

    (c) What is Law of Limiting factor ?  What is its significance ?

    (d) What is acid rain ?  How does it effect the plants and our forest ?

    (e) Give the specific reaction of glycolysis which is oxidative in nature. How many moles of ATP are produced by substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis ?

    (f) What do you mean by competitive and non-competitive inhibition in enzymatic action ?  Give specific examples of each type.


    2.  Answer any five questions :     4 x 5 = 20

    (a) What is cutrophication ?

    (b) Define biodiversity.  How has deforestation affected biodiversity ?  Give some (at least two) preventive measures against this,

    (c) What is soil erosion ?  How can you control it ?

    (d) Describe with neat sketches the different stages of succession in pond,

    (e) What do you mean by ephemeral plants ?  Give at least two examples,

    (f) Distinguish between glyoxysomes and perioxysomes.


    3.  Answer any five questions :     4 x 5= 20

    (a)  What are microchromosome and  minichromosomc ?

    (b)  Explain emasculation,

    (c)  Describe in short the roles of three different RNAs in protein synthesis,

    (d)  What is mutator gene ? — Explain,

    (e)  Distinguish between double trisomic and tetrasomic.

    (f)  Explain DNA finger painting.


    4.  Answer any five questions :     4 x 5 = 20

    (a)  Give the scientific name and families of plant yielding—

    (i) Teak,   (ii) Quinine,   (iii) Ground nut,   (iv) Coco.

    (b)  Mention the scientific nameund family of the plain yielding wheat. Discuss the climate and type of soil suitable for wheat cultivation.

    (c)  Refer the following plants to their respective families and men-tion their useful parts :

    (i) Arachis hypogea,   (ii) Linum Ustitatissimum,    (iii) Glycine max,   (iv) Lens esculenta.

    (d)  What types of adaptations are found in hydrophytes ?

    (e)  Give the scientific name of two oil yielding plants (one each from monocot and dicot). Mention their respective family and parts used.

    (f)  Give the medicinal use of Bask and Rauvolfia. Mention their scientific name and respective family.


    5.  Answer any four questions :    5 x 4 = 20

    (a) What is Z-DNA ?  How it differs from normal B-DNA ?

    (b) What is apoenzyme ?  Give the mechanism of protease activity.

    (c) What is redox potential ?  Explain it with the help of electrochemical gradient,

    (d)  Explain protoplast fusion,

    (e)  What is transcription and translation ?



    Answer any two questions.


    6.  Attempt any five questions :     4 x 5 = 20

    (a)  Why is photosynthesis not possible in shorter or longer wave lengths of the visible range of light ?

    (b)  What do you mean by critical photoperiod and photoperiodic induction ? — Explain,

    (c)  Briefly elucidate the mechanism of uptake of ion against concentration gradient,

    (d)  Elucidate diagrammatically the biosynthesis of ct-kctoglutaric acid from pyruvic acid mentioning the enzymes, coenzymes and the utilization or, production of ATP,

    (e)  State briefly the types of duplication or, replication of DNA.

    (f)  What are intercalating agents ?


    7.  Attempt any five questions :     4 x 5 = 20

    (a)  What do you understand by reductional and equatorial division ?

    (b)  Explain, briefly, the semi-conservative DNA replication,

    (c)  Briefly discuss the role of poly ploidy in crop improvement,

    (d)  State the advantages of genetic engineering,

    (e)  What are the different genes associated to protein synthesis ?

    (f)  What is pletonemic and paranemic coiling ?


    8.  Answer any five questions :     4 x 5 = 20

    (a)  Explain the climax vegetation,

    (b)  Explain why the RQ of fatty or proteinaceous matter is less than one. When RQ = 0.

    (c)  Give the scientific name of Ginger. Name the family to which it belongs. What are the medicinal uses of the plant ?  Name the active principles of Ginger,

    (d)  Refer the following plants to their respective families and briefly state their economic importance mentioning the nature of plant parts used :

    (i) Carchorous capsularis.   (ii) Madhuca indica.   (iii) Carthamus tinctorius.   (iv) Aleurites fordii.

    (e)  What are the major differences in structural organisation of eukaryotic with that of prokaryotic ones ?

    (f) With suitable examples and reaction, explain transmination and nitrification.

    W.B.C.S Main 2006 Optional Question Paper Botany – PAPER 2

    Group – A

    Answer any three questions


    1.  Write notes on the following (any two):

    (a)  (i) Structure of baekterio phage;   (ii) Nature of chemical compo-sition in gram-ve bacteria;   (iii) Lysogeny;    (iv) Bacterial flagellum.      4 x 2

    (b)  What is blight ?  Describe the symptoms and control measures of the disease “Late blight of potato”.     1+3+4

    (c)  Give a brief account of the following (any one):

    (i) Economic uses of Lichen;   (ii) Aflatonin;    (iii) Plasmid.      4


    2.  Comment on the following structures (any two):

    (a)  (i) Hetero Cyst;   (ii) Auxo spore;   (iii) Primary and secondary inocula.     4 x 2

    (b)  Give a brief account of the following :

    (i) Post fertilisation changes in Polysiphonia;   (ii) Nanandrous species of Oedogonium;   (iii) Ascocarp of Ascobolus.     4 x 3


    3. (a) Discuss the evolution of gamctophytes in bryophytes studied by you.     12


    Distinguish between the internal organization of sporogonium in Marchantia and Porella with labelled sketches.

    (b) Write notes on the following (any two):

    (i) Mature Sporophyte of Anthoceros, with points of advancement,  (ii) Rhizophore of Selaginella.    (iii) Structure of capsule and spore dispersal in sphagnum.      4 x 2


    4. (a) Distinguish between homospory and heterospory. Give a comparative account of the strobilli of one homo and one hetero sporous ptcridophytes that you have studied.      2+8


    Answer any two of the following :

    (i) Stem anatomy of calamities;   (ii) Sporangia of Psilotum;   (iii) Morphology of the spike of Ophioglossum.      5 x 2

    (b) Answer any two of the following :

    (i) State the characteristic features of Rhynea.  (ii) Write a short ac-count of the soral morphology of Pteris, mentioning the position of sori and spore dispersal,   (iii) Give a brief account of the gametophytes of Lycopodium.     5 x 2


    5.  (a) Compare the female gametophytes of Pinus and Gnetum. Which one is considered as most evolved among gymno sperms ?  Name one Indian species under each of Cycas and Pinus.   7+3+2

    (b) Comment on the following :

    (i) Archaeopteris.  (it) Fern nature of Cycas.     4 x 2



    Answer any two questions.


    6. (a) State the morphological characters of the flowers by which self-pollinated flowers can be identified from the insect pollinated.

    Describe the process of pollination in any one of the following :

    Salvia,  Ficus.     8 + 3

    (b) Place the following plants into their respective families, state their economic uses and the parts used (any three):

    Jute, Coffee, Ginger, Mustard, Coconut.      3 x 3


    7.  (a) Distinguish between the following families on the basis of characters mentioned against each pair (any three):

    (i) Cucurbitaceae and Rubiaceac (Gynaecium);   (ii) Solanaceae and Labiatae (Corolla);  (iii) Compositae and Umbelliferae (Fruit);   (iv) Cruciferae and Magnoliaccae (Androecium).     3 x 3

    (b) State the importance of Herbarium. Mention the procedures in maintenance of herbarium. Name two important herbaria in India.     2+3+1

    (c) (i) State the nature of fruit in Gramineae;  (ii) Economic importance of Zingiberaceae;  (iii) Inflorescence of Euphorbiaceae.     2+2+1


    8.  Answer any two of the following :

    (a)  Why the phyllo genetic system of classification is preferred over natural system ?  Comment on the merits and demerits of the natural system of classification of Bentham and Hooker.    6+4

    (b)  Describe the formation of female gametophyte in angiosperm with neat labelled sketch.    8+2

    (c)  Comment on the following structures :

    (i) Diplostemonous androecium;   (ii) Syngenesious stamens;   (iii) Monochlamydeous flower;   (iv) Accrescent calyx;  (iv) Liguladate corolla.     2 x 5


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