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  • W.B.C.S Main 2001 Optional Question Paper Zoology.
    Posted on January 18th, 2019 in Zoology

    W.B.C.S Main 2001 Optional Question Paper Zoology.

    W.B.C.S Main 2001 Optional Question Paper Zoology paper 1

    Group – A.Continue Reading W.B.C.S Main 2001 Optional Question Paper Zoology.

    (Answer any three questions.)


    1.  How would you distinguish between a male and a female Ascaris ?  State briefly the life-cycle of Ascaris lumbricoided.  Add a note on its pathogenicity and control.     5+10+3+2 = 20


    2.  What is reproduction ?  State different methods of reproduction in the following Protozoa.

    (a)  Amoeba Proteus

    (b) Euglena Viridis

    (c) Plasmodium Vivax

    (d) Paramoecium. Caudatum      4+4 X 4 = 20


    3.  What is ciliary mode of feeding ?  Give an account of its mechanism in lower chordates.  Comment on its evoluitonarv significance.     2+15+3 = 20


    4.  Distinguish between neotetvy and paedogenesis.  Describe the phenomenon of neotenv in Amphobia with suitable examples.  State the hormonal control of Neoteny.    4+10+6 = 20


    5.  Write short notes on any four of the following :-

    (a)  Ultrastructure of Cilia and flagella

    (b)  Coral and coral-reef formation,

    (c)  Torsion and detorsiort in Gastropoda,

    (d)  Trypanosomiasis,

    (e)  Exoskeletal structures in Pigeon.

    (f)  Ruminant stomach.

    (g)  Affinities of etenophora.

    (h)  biling Mechanism in Snakes.     5×4 = 20


    Group – B

    Answer any two questions.


    6.  What is ecosystem ?  Mention the main structural and functional components of an ecosystem.  What is food-chain ?  Explain with suitable examples the Grazing and Detritus food-chain in the ecosystem.   Define ecotone and edge-effect.      2 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 4 = 20


    7.  Define pollution. Classify the pollutants responsible for Air-pollution.   Discuss briefly the various causes of Air-pollution.  State the effective measures for controlling air-pollution.     2 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 20


    8.  (a)  What is silk ?  Mention its composition .     2 + 3

    (b)  Discuss the causative agents, symptoms and control, measures of the diseases of silk worm larvae.     10

    (c)  Comment on the application of bio-technology in the improvement of silk worm strains.     5


    9.  Gvie brief idea about any four of the following:

    (a)  Circadian rhythm,

    (b)  Role of hormone in animal behaviour,

    (c)  Method of polyculture in India ,

    (d)  Major paddy pests .

    (e)  Chi-square and ‘t’ test,

    (f)  Prospect of Pearl Culture in India ,

    (g)  Bio-diversity ,

    (h)  Ozone -hole.    5 x 4 = 20

    W.B.C.S Main 2001 Optional Question Paper Zoology paper 2

    Group – A

    (Answer any three questions.)


    1.  Discuss in brief the nucleosome model of chromosome      20


    2.  How is synthesis of MRNA brought about to DNA template ?  State the roles of Sigma factor, the coreenzyme and rho factor in this process.     20


    3.  Comment on : (any four)

    (a) DNA finger printing     (b) Reverse transcription    (c) Promiscuous  DNA   (d) Daenyl ketoauria  (e) Downsyndrome.     5X4 = 20


    4.  Give an account of the modern concept of evolutionary theories.      20


    5.  What is adaptive radiation ?   State the law proposed by if Osborn regarding adaptive radiation in mammals and justify the    with a suitable example     20


    6.  What do you know about Zoological nomenclature ?  Write the rules of  international code of Zoologica nomenclature.     20


    Group B

    (Answer any two questions.)


    7.  What are enzymes, co-enzymes and isozymes ?   Give examples.  Write briefly on factors influencing enzymes, activity.       6 + 14 = 20


    8.  State the difference between glomerular filtrate and urine .  Give a note on counter current mechanism.  What do you mean by obiligatory and facultative absorption of water in kidney ?     4 + 10 + 6 = 20


    9.  Comment on (any two)

    (a) Oranizer concept.   (b) Fate map . (c) Structures and functions of chorio-allantoic ptacenta.     10×2 = 20


    10.  Write notes on (any four ) :

    (a) Michael is constant.   (b) Cholesterol.    (c) Properties of monosaccharides.   (d) locine number and saponification,   (e) Electro-phoresis .  (f) Herlng-Breuer Reflex.    5×4 =20


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